ASCUK Open Show
Best In Show -
Reserve Best in Show -
Best Opposite Sex -
Best Puppy -
Best Veteran -
Results and Critique
16th October 2005
Bob Gregory
Trijem Pacific Pearl
Armatan Take A Chance on Me
Armatan Take A Chance on Me
Armatan Commotion
Shepalian Asweet Mellow Dee of Abodandy
Minor Puppy Dog
1st Armatan Born to Move, Almost 9 months of age and he had excellent contruction and good balance, liked in head and eye well angulated quaters and pleasing action, Best Puppy Dog
2nd Jicarilla Midnight Dreamer, a dog as exactly the same age as one and coming together well, but at the moment not the outline of the winner
3rd Armatan Bad Moon Rising - litter brother of the winner.
4th Jicarilla Field of Dreams of Glendyke
Puppy Dog
1st Jicarilla Field of Dreams of Glendyke, Still very immature and needing to bone up being lacking at the moment in skull and body, pleasing in general construction, but needs to firm up litter brother of 2nd in MPD
Junior Dog
1st Allmark Swing Low, a 16 month old dog with an imposing outline, loved his head and skull, super neck well set into sound well laid shoulder, good ribbing and loin well balanced, good bone in action fine extention and driver coering ground well, just needs a little more maturity and finish to complete the picture. Res best dog
2nd Iskander Logans Run, at just 12 months old not the presence of the winner but he has a lovely action and correct in angle, still to settle.
3rd Trijem Freedom of Choice
4th Gemthorn Tidal Wave
Special Yearling Dog
Post Graduate Dog
1st Accra Out of the Blue, A well put together dog of good presence and blue merle. With pleasing head and eye. Sound body and fine action, good coat.
2nd Armatan Collne De Bruyere at Ausden, similat in type to winner with clear lines and outline, good ribbing & good fron action.
3rd Armatan Adorez Mon Maitre
4th Shepalian Mr Bumble of Abodandy ShCM
5th Inoby Mystic Warrior
Limit Dog
1st Shepalian Black Russian of Iskander, This dog took my eye with his style and action, free with good front extension, liked his head with good angles in quaters well ribbed and strong loin, correct in bone and feet, one I would considered for high honours.
2nd Applethorn Cool as Ice, please in type good head and expression, correct in quaters but a little long in the back which caused a slight dip. good action.
3rd Armatan Collectors Item at Heibri
Open Dog
1st Armatan Take A Chance on Me, A dog with quality in many quaters, sound and well put together with excellent bone and substance, good blade and wither topline bore feet time in action extending well could go all day - Best dog, Reserve Best in Show and Best Opposite Sen
2nd Touchstone Simple Magic ShCM, a 3yr old mature blue merle with presence and style good topline and sound in construction, loved the head and expression and on the move gree and easy, pushed hard for the reserve dog spot.
3rd Yulia Everready Dandy of Abodandy
Veteran Dog
1st Glarenmoss Sonny N Cher, A 10yr old just starting to show his age, good type and construction. Still with dentition true in front action, going a little week in hind quaters.
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st Armatan Commotion, litter sister to MPD winner and a bitch of lovely tpe and balance once you really have to look at sound in body and agile with pleasing head and skull and loved her certain for one on young. Best puppy Bitch and Best puppy in show
2nd Shikota Mist, a finely built bitch who didnt really settle, not the lay back in shoulder of winner and compensated on the move needs time to complete the picture.
Puppy Bitch
Junior Bitch
1st Javison American Beech, A 14 month bitch so well put together good outline and a picture standing. A super body and quaters, with good bone and feet, just needs a little schooling to complete the picture.
2nd Javison Silverbelle, litter sister to winner and possessing many of the same vitues a real feminine lady, sound in body and pleasing action.
3rd Javison Ponderosa Pine (another sister)
4th Javison Lace Bark Elm
5th Gemthorne White Lighting
Special Yearling Bitch
1st Trijem Pacific Pearl, at almost 20 months old this young lade really caught my eye for her type, style and quality and balance, so sound and so feminine. She really looks the park, good coat and finish, great mover true and she didnt put a food wront. Best Bitch and Best in Show
2nd Lyveden Razlin Riali at Kasaki, Blue merle of good type, pleasing in construction good topline bone and feet, noth the action of the winner.
3rd Accra Scandal in the USA
4th Fragrant Fleur for Heibri
Post Graduate Bitch
1st Moortime Magic of the Moors at Shenkiri, Another tri bitch with style and balance. Liked her head eye and expression correct set a neck topline and body good legs and feet action.
2nd Lyveden Razlin Riali at Kasaki.
3rd Lyveden Eaglaskye at Dawnasa
Limit Bitch
1st Blue Caprice of Iskander, A bitch in general with much to like perhaps a little long in the back for me but sound with a pleasing action Blue Merle well bodied.
2nd Applethorn Snow Princess at Jidace, this merle threw away her chance by pacing a bitch of good size and balance with pleasing outline body and coat.
3rd Lyveden Miraya Mitia
4th Cagasa Bell Air at Heibri
Open Bitch
1st Accra Baylis in Blue Jeans, A super well presented merle bitch of quality, loved her for head and lovely eye colour, set of neck to well laid shoulder, good blade and wither, full coat put down to perfection, extended well in front and easy action. Just not as true front as BIS on the day, Reserve Best Bitch
2nd Armatan Dancing Queen, A bitch of similar type and quality loved her expression good coverage, well put together body and quaters, correct in bone pleasing action
3rd Blows You Away
4th Cagasa Ini Anna at Ausden
Veteran Bitch
1st Shepalian Asweet Mellow Dee of Abodandy, an 8 year old red merle femining and balanced looking good for her age in head and condition, Best Veteran
2nd Am Ch Firethorns C'est La Vive
Black/Black Tri Dog or Bitch
1stJavison American Beech
2nd Moortime Magic of the Moors at Shenkiri
3rd Allmark Swing Low
4th Gemthorn Tidal Wave
5th Armatan Borm to Move
Red/Red Tri Dog or Bitch
1st Inoby Mystic Warrior
Blue Merle Dog or Bitch
1st Javison Silver Belle
2nd Applethorn Snow Princess at Jidace
3rd Cagasa Indi Anna at Ausden
4th Jicarilla Field of Dreams of Glendyke
5th Shikota Mist
Red Merle Dog or Bitch
1st Javison Red Buckeye
Special Working Class
No Entries
Stud Dog
Brood Bitch
1st Firethornes Cest La Vive
Junior Handling 6-11years
1st Alicia Taylor
2nd Connor Simpson
3rd Kayligh Dyde
Junior Handling 12-16 years
1st Craig Taylor & BJH
2nd Joe McDonald
Obedience -
Pre Beginners
1st lows You Away
2nd Javison Red Buckeye
1st Glarenmoss Just Fa Bob
2nd Rushbottom Rare Royale at Alameda
Class A