ASCUK Open Show
Best In Show -
Reserve Best in Show -
Best Opposite Sex -
Best Puppy -
Best Veteran -
Results and Critique
28th September 2003
Margaret Everton
Am CH Thornapple Climate Controlled
Trijem Red River Street
Cagasa Indi Anna at Ausden
Applethorn Cool as Ice
Trijem Red River Street
I had an enjoyable day with the breed and its sporting exhibitors. Like many breeds there are variations in type, I found eye shape and the amoung of bone the most varied. The temperments were excellent and condition of the dogs of a high standard. I found the coats lacking the harsh guard hair until I cam to the first two in veteran and Im a little concerned that the ideal coat of low maintenance is being replaced with an overdone more glamorous one for showing.
Minor Puppy Dog (7)
1st Armatan Adores Mon Maitre, Solid 6 months old with good bone, nice eye & ear very promising shape and since and sound
2nd Trijem All American Hotrod at Shloyan, very nice head with alert expression, good topline, tail set and firm body, not moving quite as true in front as 1st at this time.
3rd Trijem All American RazM'Taz for Notacolly
Puppy Dog (9,7ab)
1st Applethorn Cool at Ice, Very good Bone & Feet, good topline & tailset, nice size and shape, good head rather round in eye, nice rib & depth of body, needs to settle on the move.
2nd Thorsoak Puddin On Da Style, A finer dog with a nice eye, good fron and feet at the range stage at the moment.
Junior Dog (7)
1st Armatak Take A Chance on Me, Nice head, good neck & shoulder, well boned firm front, Deep body with good topline, moved with ease, extension and drive.
2nd Accra I'm the Other One, Very good head and expression, a better earset than the 1st. Good front and bone, well developed body, not as firm in pastern as 1. good coat and movement.
3rd Ozzypools WIld Rover
Special Yearling Dog (6)
1st Shepalian Mr Bumble of Abodandy, NIce head with clean lips and alert expression, stop rather deep, good neck and shoulder well developed body, not as firm in pastern as 1 good coat and movment.
2nd Armatan Collectors Item at Heibri, Well shaped head with good ear set & dark eye, good neck, shoulder and topline enough bone, not quite as deep in body as 1st.
3rd Shepalian Black Russian of Iskander
Post Graduate Dog (4)
1st Ozzypool Marquis Diamond, Nice head & ear set, dark eye, tight lips, firm body a little out of coat. Would like thicker page to his feet. Well filled front, good muscle and movement.
2nd Trijem Iceni Wreak Havoc, little rounder in eye and finer in bone, little narower in the head than 1, firm backed well muscled body in good coat.
3rd Ozzypools Red Hogan
Limit Dog (7)
1st Accra Have You Heard, Alert with a lovely eye and eat set. Well set neck into good shoulder, firm topline & good tailset. good front, bone & feet, nice mover.
2nd Yulia Eveready Dandy of Abodandy, very good body, bont & feet in lovely condition & good movement, just prefered the eye in 1st.
3rd Trijem Rebein in Blue Jeans at Notacolly
Open Dog (6)
1st Am Ch Thornapple Climate COntrolled, Nice eye & ear with good pigment in a pleasing head, well set neck into good shoulder, firm back on a muscled body of good shape & size. Strong rear, like him better when he does not move too fast, BD & BIS
2nd Armatan Sanoma Valley, Good ears on pleasing head with tight lips, preferred the eye of 1st. Good neck and shoulder. Deep firm body in good coat. A balanced alert dog.
3rd Cagasa Arizona
Veteran Dog (5)
This was a lovely class of high standard
1st Trijem Red River Street, 8 years old, I liked him so much, a lovely expression, super coat with slightly harsh guard hair which was hard to find. Lovely body and sound RBD & RBIS
Puppy Bitch (6)
1st Trijem Winder Brieze by Mytezka, Good expression, nice depth of body with well sprung rib, good bone & feet, needs to settle on the move.
2nd Thorsoak Venus in Blue Jeans, Just a month younger than with a nice ear, head and expression, good feet, just prefered the rear of 1 at this time.
Junior Bitch (9)
1st Moortime Magic of the Moors at Shenkiri, Well put together head with alert expression, good neck & shoulder, firm body, not as long as her name thank goodness, strong rear, good front & feet, short on coat at this time, very good mover.
2nd Armatan I have a Dream at Tisalmyn, Very pretty head on a well set neck, firm back & good tailset, good bone and coat not quite as settled in front as 1st.
Special Yearling Bitch
1st Armatan I have a Dream at Tisalmyn
Post Graduate Bitch (11)
1st Applethorn Glassic Gold, Nice head, ear & expression, good neck & shoulder, well filled front, good rib and depth of body, good bone & feet & moved well.
2nd Blue Caprice of Iskander, Nice shape eye & head, rather heavy in ear. Good front and bone. Tight feet, body a nice size and shape, moved soundly, just changing coat.
3rd Gibbons Red Cherry
Limit Bitch (7)
1st Cagasa Indi Anna at Ausden, Very nice expression in a good head, firm front with good bone and feet, well set neck on a correct deep body, good coat and movement BB, Best Opp Sex
2nd Shepalian Acountry Cousin of Moortime CDex UDex WDex, Good shape and size with alert expression nice clean lips, well set neck good hard bone & feet, sound on the move
3rd Accra Joint Forces
Open Bitch (4)
All this class looked better side gaiting
1st Shepalian Asweet Mellowdee of Abodandy, Good bone, topline & tailset, firm rear, deep body, good shoulder & plenty of coat.
2nd Shepalian Night Flight at Moortime, Compact lady with a very nice expression, firm back, good tail set, depth of body on good bone & feet, good rear & side movement, a little short on coat.
3rd Ozzypools Allspice at Revlock
Veteran Bitch (4)
1st Accra Circle of Light at Kapia, 10 years old with a lovely head and alert expression, good shape and size, in first class condition and zoomed round the ring
2nd Gefion Zinnybees Queenbee, 11 years old in top top condition, with a very soft expression, correct coat, deep in firm body on good bone and feet, moved out well, not quite ear set of 1
3rd Gefion Zinnybees Honeybee.
Junior Handling Judge: Chris Chapman
It was nice to see all these young people enjoing showing their dogs. For the most part they were excellent, just a couple moved between me and their dog and one who constantly stood out of line in front of the others. Their straight lines and turns were very good and triangles actually had corners, they were also very good at moving out of my eye line as I looked at their dogs in stance. Without exception they were all very sympatheitc to their charges.
Junior Handling 6-11years
1st Alicia Taylor, only 7 years old but already a good handler. She kept her concentration all the time and moved her dog on a nice loose lead to get the best out of her charge.
Junior Handling 12-16 years
1st Joe McDonald, a very capeable young man who was in tune with his dog and commanded his carge with a quiet manner and soft word and again moved his dog on a loose lead. His manner led to him getting the best out of his dog and winning the class
2nd Rachel Taylor, this young lady struggled with an un-cooperative exhibit but she did so admirably and quietly to encourage her dog to show herself to advantage and she won through and achieved this aim.
3rd Roxanne McDonald, obviously experience and very capable in everything she did both when standing her charge and moved her well trained dog.
4th Craig Taylor
5th Nicola Downs
Obedience -