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ASCUK is a club for anyone who has an interest in the Australian Shepherd.

Membership is available for anyone who is interested, whether you own an Aussie or not. 


Benefits of being an ASCUK member include; 

Year End Awards.

Reduced entry fees to our shows. 

Preferential access to club events, often with reduced fees. 

Newsletter and yearbook.

Discounted health testing

Every year the club holds its AGM in April. This allows members to have an input into the goings on of the club, as well as the presentation of the Annual Awards.

The membership year runs from the 1st of January, however if you join after October your membership carries over into the following year. 

For any queries on membership, please contact Jean Turnbull

If you would like to become a member please fill in the following application form and send it to our Secretary. 

For those who wish to complete the membership by paper

please see attached form:


Membership Form

In completing this form you consent to ASCUK holding the information provided on their membership file for the sole use of the Association in relation to your membership, including the information for any junior members you have included. ASCUK maintains a file of membership to comply with Royal Kennel Club requirements.

A form is required for all new applications, or to notify a change of details at the time of renewal or when legal changes to data protection provisions require.

Please select field of interest:
Conformation (Showing*)
Working Trails
Heelwork to Music
Current annual subscriptions
Single adult £14.00
Joint membership £16.00
Junior membership £4.00
Family membership £25.00
Overseas membership £22.00
Lifetime membership (Single) £150.00
Lifetime membership (Joint) £180.00

Payment can be by cheque made payable to the Australian Shepherd Club of UK and sent with this application form to : Mrs Jean Turnbull

2 The Hollow, Howden Le Wear, Crook, Co. Durham DL15 8AB

Or by Direct/standing order/bank transfer to

Natwest plc. Account number: 13691910 Sort code: 01-00-71

Applications for membership will be considered by the committe following a request for membership along with the receipt of this application form and payment

The committe reserve the right to refuse an application for membership

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