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Shows can not run without judges. In order to help prepare people for judging the breed, ASCUK organise Breed Appreciation days. For those who organise shows we also hold judging lists, of those who currently judge the breed.


Our Next Breed Appreciation Day is being held on: TBA

For anyone interested in Judging the Australian shepherd it is recommended that you read the following books,

The Australian Shepherd Judging Compendium, Author Jeanne Joy Hartnagle-Taylor, Publisher Rope The Moon Publishing

Australian Shepherd: Structure and Gait, Author Shelly Hollen

All About Aussies, Author Jeanne Joy Hartnagle-Taylor, Publisher Alpine, Blue Ribbon Books

The Total Australian Shepherd, Authors Carol Ann Hartnagle and Ernest Hartnagle, Publisher Hoflin Publishing Inc

Anyone thinking of judging should also watch the following breed education videos


The Kennel Club - can be found on the Judges Academy

AKC - Can be found by clicking here.

Please note that there are some slight differences in standards, especially when it comes to tails. In the UK tails are acceptable, as is any length of bobtail.

Judging list criteria:

The following is guidance for inclusion on our Judging Lists. No consideration will be given unless the
information requested is completed in writing.

The following is guidance for inclusion on our Judging Lists. No consideration will be given unless the
information requested is completed in writing.

A1 List

For persons who have previously been approved by the Kennel Club to award CCs in the breed and
have completed their first appointment. To have the support of the Australian Shepherd Club of the
UK. (KC Policy).

A2 List

For persons who fulfil all the requirements for the A3 list and who have been assessed in accordance
with the Kennel Club requirements and accepted by The Kennel Club for inclusion on the A2 list and
have the support and approval of the Australian Shepherd Club of the UK. (KC Policy).

A3 List (Breed Specialist)

To qualify for the A3 List (Breed Specialist) you must already be on the B List (Breed Specialist)
Applicants must fulfil points 1‐8
1. Minimum of 7 years judging experience in the Australian Shepherd breed and have the support
and approval of the Australian Shepherd Club of the UK (KC Policy)
2. To have attended a seminar by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer, and passed the relevant
examination on Kennel Club Regulations and Judging Procedures. (KC Policy 2001)
3. To have attended a 'Points of the Dog Assessment (formally the Conformation and Movement
Hands On Assessment) given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the Assessment (KC
Policy 2005)
4. To have attended a seminar on Conformation and Movement including the KC Hands on
Assessment. (KC Policy 2004)
5. To have attended at least 1 Australian Shepherd breed specific judging seminar recognized by
ASCUK run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an
examination and/or assessment (KC Policy 2001)
6. To have stewarded at a minimum of 12 Shows (KC Policy)
7. To have judged a minimum of 70 Australian Shepherds (KC Policy)
8. To have judged at least 1 Australian Shepherd Breed Club Show and/or 3 Australian Shepherd
Breed Club ‘supported entry’ shows (Requirement by ASCUK)
9. To have judged Australian Shepherds at 6 Open or Championship Shows without CCs with an
adequate geographical spread. (Requirement by ASCUK)

A3 List (Non Specialist)

To qualify for the A3 List (Non Specialist) Applicants must fulfill points 1‐7 plus 2 others.
1. Minimum of 7 years judging experience in any one breed (to include 5 years in Australian
Shepherds and have the support and approval of the Australian Shepherd Club of the UK (KC Policy)
2. To have attended at least 1 Australian Shepherd breed specific judging seminar recognised by
ASCUK run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an
assessment (Requirement by ASCUK)
3. To have attended a 'Points of the Dog Assessment (formally the Conformation and Movement
Hands On Assessment) given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the Assessment (KC
Policy 2005)
4. To have attended a seminar on Conformation and Movement including the KC Hands on
Assessment. (KC Policy 2004)
5. To have awarded CCs in at least one other breed (KC Policy)
6. To have stewarded at a minimum of 12 shows (KC Policy)
7. To have judged 70 Australian Shepherds (KC Policy)
8 To have judged at 1Australian Shepherd Breed Club Show and/or 2 Breed Club ‘supported entry shows’ (Requirement
9. To have judged Australian Shepherds at 6 Open Shows or Championship Shows without CCs,
either Breed Classes or Variety Classes which have included a minimum of 12 Australian Shepherds
with actual hands‐on with an adequate geographical spread (Requirement by ASCUK)
10. To have bred and/or owned a minimum of 3 dogs of any breed when they obtained their first
entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book (except in exceptional circumstances)

B List (Breed Specialist)

To qualify for the B List (Breed Specialist) Applicants must fulfil points 1, 2 & 3.
1. To have a minimum of 5 years’ experience owning and exhibiting in the breed and have the
support and approval of the Australian Shepherd Club of the UK (except in exceptional
2. To have attended an Australian Shepherd breed specific judging seminar organised by ASCUK and
to have passed an exam / assessment.
3. To have judged 20 Australian Shepherds at Open or Championship Shows without CCs.

B List (Non Specialist)

To qualify for the B List (Non Specialist) Applicants must fulfil points 1 and 2 plus one other.
1. To have attended an Australian Shepherd breed specific judging seminar organised by ASCUK and
to have passed an exam / assessment. The person should also have the support and approval of
2. To have judged 8 classes of Australian Shepherds at Open Shows or Championship Shows without
CCs Either in Breed classes or Variety Classes (except in exceptional circumstances).
3. To have judged 25 Australian Shepherds at Open or Championship Shows without CC’s
4. To have a minimum of 5 years judging experience in this breed or any breed within the Pastoral

C List (Breed Specialist / Non Specialist)

For aspiring judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of ASCUK





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