ASCUK Open Show
Best In Show -
Reserve Best in Show -
Best Opposite Sex -
Best Puppy -
Best Veteran -
Results and Critique
1st October 2011
Bobbie Rodgers
Ozways Diamond Duvet
Aus Ch Kaasha Dazzling Edition
Aus Ch Kaasha Dazzling Edition
Lyveden Raircock Rhythm
Aus Ch Kaasha Dazzling Edition
Puppy Dog - (1,1a)
Junior Dog - (2-0)
1st Browns' Bleuroyal Alaska Permafrost (Imp Chi) - Blue merle of good type, with a masculine well balanced head. Good overall body shape. Correct angulation, moved well keeping a level topline.
2nd Harris' Bordertime I Have A Dream for Candace - Black tri with moderate stop and lovely ear set. Good spring of ribs with good angles to rear and nice neat feet.
Novice Dog - (2,1a)
1st Reeves' Silvarcea Rag n Bone Man - Black tri with a strong masculine head with an attentive look. Well muscled body, level topline held on the move
Post Graduate Dog - (8,2a)
1st Clarkes' Shloyan Rockafella - Blue merle of moderate size in good coat and condition. Well balanced head, good angulation. Nice tight feet and moved out well.
2nd Wilsons' Ozways Can Can - Black tri with strong masculine head. Correct eye and good ear carriage. Level topline held on the move.
3rd Gatenby & Green's Armatan Fireblade (ai)
Limit Dog (9)
1st Harris & Winfrows Allmark Ginger Nuts (ai) - Red tri with a strong masculine head and moderate stop. Good eye and lovely ear set. Strong neck with good laid back shoulders. Well sprung ribs and deep chest - moved with drive. Reserve Best Dog
2nd Gillinghams Silverdream Aussies Time Will Tell at Parkgrove - Good type with correct head proportions. Moderate arched neck. Good profile with correct tuck up - moved ok.
3rd Swallow's Lyveden Castill Chaska
Open Dog (3)
1st Morleys' Trijem Apple Magic - Red tri who is taller than I would normally like, but this boy is well put together with good overall shape. Deep chest, well sprung ribs - best mover in the class.
2nd Harris & Winfrow's Allmark Solotaire - Black tri of good type and head proportions. Pleasing profile with correct angles. Nice tight feet and moved well.
3rd Browns' Ir.Ch Sangosands Stars n Stripes JW ShCM
Veteran Dog (4)
1st Newman & Souters' Aus Ch Kaasha Dazzling Edition (Imp Aus) - 10 years old and not showing his age at all. Not the flashiest of dogs, but a good masculine head and kind expression. Well ribbed and balanced throughout. Moderate bone with good feet. True gait in profile and coming and going. Best Dog, Best Opposite Sex, Reserve Best In Show and Best Veteran In Show
2nd Timperon & Reeves' Am Ch Windfalls Katchmeifyoucan ShCM (Imp USA) - 8 year old super dog that I have admired before. Head of right proportions with a kind eye. Well muscled body with a deep chest and well sprung ribs. Good bone and super tight feet, shown in immaculate condition. Have seen him move better.
3rd Browns' Ir Ch Accra I'mtheotherone ShCM
Puppy Bitch (1)
1st Challengers' Lyveden Rairock Rhythm - Black tri 6 months old baby with a feminine expression. Correct eye shape and good ear carriage. Well proportioned puppy with good angles - moved well.
Junior Bitch (2)
1st Timperon & Cases' Triforce Last of the Wilds - Super head and very feminine. Moderate stop, good eye and nice ear carriage. Very well balanced, good bone and neat feet. Moved well.
2nd McFarlanes Bordertime In Ya Dreams - Black tri of good type with a feminine expression. Strong arched neck and good shoulders. Needed time to settle on the move.
Novice Bitch (1)
1st Smiths' Impenzie Ariel - Blue merle with a good head type. Correct eye shape and ear carriage. Moderate stop and good angulations, moved well.
Post Graduate Bitch (6,1a)
1st Wilsons' Ozways Diamond Duvet - Black tri quality bitch with alert sweet expression. Good eye and neat ear set. Lovely arched neck leading to well laid back shoulders. Super angles, moved well with drive and purpose. Best Bitch and Best In Show.
2nd Buechelers' Lyveden Pheris Song for Kasaki - Blue merle feminine bitch, correct eye shape and moderate stop. Balanced profile and good angles. One of the few with true gait coming and going.
3rd Cases' Silvarcea Rags To Riches.
Limit Bitch (6)
1st Browns' Jidace Bealacy to Shepwood - Typy bitch with correct head proportions. Good angles front and rear. Moved well, keeping a level topline.
2nd Gibbons Trijem Apple Of My Eye at Gibbands - Black tri, very keen and alert bitch. Strong arched neck leading into well laid back shoulders. Well sprung ribs and well muscled. Good feet, but have seen this lady move better.
3rd Challengers' Lyveden Castill Chandra
Open Bitch (2,1a)
1st Morleys' Trijem No Hope For The Devil - Red tri bitch with plenty of substance. Feminine look with good eye shape. Arched neck into well laid back shoulders. Deep chest and topline held on the move.
Veteran Bitch (5)
1st Morleys' Trijem Pacific Pearl - 7 year old lovely Veteran in hard condition. Lovely shape with good angles all round. Moved with drive holding a level topline. Reserve Best Bitch
2nd Fullers' Peach Cameo over Inoby - 11 year old in lovely condition for her years. In good coat, moved well.
3rd Newman & Souters' Blueburn Clear Cut Diamond
Black / Black Tri (9,2a)
1st Am Ch Windfalls Katchmeifyoucan ShCM (Imp USA)
2nd Ozzypool Running Bear
3rd Allmark Solotaire
Red / Red Tri (4,1a)
1st Mirriyan Bega Tirrike
2nd Ozzypool Red Hogan ShCM
3rd Allmark Ginger Nuts (ai)
Blue Merle (5,1a)
1st Trijem Yuletide Cracker
2nd Shloyan Rockafella
3rd Javison Silverbelle
Red Merle (3)
1st Ozzypool Ticket To Ride
2nd Lyveden Castill Chaska
3rd Armatan Calamity Jane at Jopium
Good Citizen (5,2a)
1st Jidace Bealacy to Shepwood
2nd Autumnhaze Cupids Arrow
3rd Lyveden Castill Cholena
Special Working (2)
1st Fullers' Trijem Urban Daredevil for Inoby - Red tri of good size with ideal head plains. Strong neck and good lay of shoulders, moved well.
2nd Harrisons' Lyveden Manara Mansi for Remuda - Black tri who is well balanced. Well muscled with a firm topline and good turn of stifle.
Junior Handling
6-11 years - no entries
12-16 years (2)
1st Nikki Reeve - very confident handler who looks so relaxed with her charge. She exercised her turns neatly and handles her dog with respect getting the best out of him at all times. Best Junior Handler.
2nd Samantha Reeve - Another confident handler not looking as relaxed as her sister. Still exercising her turns neatly and handling her dog with precision. I just felt Nikki had more work to do with a younger dog.
Obedience -