ASCUK Open Show
Best In Show -
Reserve Best in Show -
Best Opposite Sex -
Best Puppy -
Best Veteran -
Results and Critique
21st July 2018
Louise Bermingham
Soloyal Valentino
Ch Silvarcea Too Hot to Tango
Ch Silvarcea Too Hot to Tango
Allmark Hakuna Matata
Triforce Last of the Wilds
My thanks to the ASCUK Committee for my invitation to judge this show. This is a breed I have long admired and I consider myself exceptionally lucky to have been given the honour. My day was fabulous from start to finish with wonderful dogs, good company and exceptional hospitality. My two stewards couldn’t have been more helpful and kept the ring flowing well.
Without exception, all dogs were presented in first class order with pleasurable temperaments. Dentition on the whole was excellent with only two bite issues that I found of note, therefore not addressed individually. I felt the ring had a good atmosphere and all exhibitors with the exception of one accepted my decisions with good grace. When I stood in the ring with my principle winners at the close of day, I couldn’t help but smile.
Puppy Dog (0,0)
Junior Dog (4,0)
1st Cowley’s Sparkaway Super Sonic
13 month black tri male with everything in proportion for his age. Head was nice to go over with decent stop, well set eye and expressive ears, a little lower set than might like. Pigment could darken. Gentle arch to moderate length neck, level topline and his fore and aft angulations were in harmony. Chest still to drop but of good width. He stood an absolute picture but insisted on pacing all the way around the ring. Repeatedly. He knows how to play his handler and this needs to be overcome to get the best out of him. Nevertheless, I really liked him.
2nd Downes’ Damani Dream Give Me Five at Milwyr (Imp)
14 month black tri who was more at home in the ring than 1. Overall larger frame than 1st but all still in proportion. Well schooled and presented, his head was good to handle, well proportioned with stop, alert expression to his handler. Easy mover with measured stride and a firm topline. Good coat texture.
3rd Fitches’ Lamintone Epic Inferno (AI)
Novice Dog (3,1)
1st Cowley’s Sparkaway Super Sonic
2nd Cowley’s Sparkaway Supernatural
13 month blue merle, litter brother to 1st. Consistent in head proportions with a better set ear than litter mate. Lighter in bone all through. Nicely presented and obviously in his summer attire. Would prefer a little more length of upper arm to aid front extension on the move.
Post Graduate Dog (2,0)
1st Rohland’s Soullaria Elton John
2 ½ yr old black tri. Head in proportion, definite stop, flat skull and no mistaking his masculinity. Inquisitive eye of good shape. Short length of neck, compact body with a level topline, he held and carried his tail low and well on the move. Fore and aft angulations pleasing and balanced.
2nd Roberts’ Moves Like Jagger Elvikam (Imp Pol)
2yr old. Bigger all through and longer cast than 1st. Head proportions were correct and his skull to muzzle was more fluid and nice to handle, not as abrupt as 1st. Lovely expression. Well presented and really liked his tight feet. Best of the day so far.
Limit Dog (3,1)
Two totally different types in this class, each with own virtues.
1st Gatenby, Green & Holligan’s Gentleman Labakan Slovakia (Imp Slo)
3yr old black tri. Pleasing overall outline and of correct ratios, he seemed to smile his way through the class. Skull to muzzle length in proportion, if being picky would prefer a little more width. Good expressive almond eye, correctly placed. Moderate length of neck with slight arch, level topline which was held solid on the move. His foot placement on the move couldn’t be faulted. With a moderate length of stride, he was consistent and could go all day. Well presented. Decided he’d had enough when it came to the challenge.
2nd Milligan’s Jotars Lies and Deceit with Alfsden
21mth old blue merle, another that was excellently presented. No mistaking his masculinity. Again as with 1st, his skull to muzzle length was correct, but the adverse of 1st, would prefer a little less width. Shorter neck than 1, onto level topline. His fore and aft angulations were in balance with good extension on the move. Sure footed and well muscled, he could easily do a days’ work. Preferred overall proportions of 1.
Open Dog (8,2)
1st Such’s Soloyal Valentino
2yr old black tri who took my eye as soon as he placed his paws in the ring. For me, overall, this boy was a picture. Not the biggest of his class, but well proportioned all through. Head in pleasing proportion, lovely to go over with clean lines, and in balance with his body. Expressive eye of almond shape - Totally focussed on his handler. Moderate length, clean neck with slight arch, level topline which was held on the move. Fore and aft angulations in harmony and moved effortlessly and consistently. Fabulous shaped feet. Couldn’t deny him BD and pleased to award overall BIS. Loved him. Congratulations.
2nd Allan & Winfrow’s Ch Allmark The Sequel JW ShCM
21 month blue merle. Well presented and in excellent, well textured coat, another who took my eye. Pleasing overall picture. Skull to muzzle ratios correct, would prefer a little more fill beneath the eye. Loved his expressive eye. Well shaped and correctly placed high set ear with break. Moderate neck onto level topline, this boy moved out with purpose. Compact feet. RBD.
3rd Crotty’s Lamintone Celestial Storm at Soullaria ShCM
Veteran Dog (2,0)
Two distinguished gentlemen who were well turned out - a credit to their owners.
1st Brown’s Silverdream Aussie’s Marzipan (Imp Hun) ShCM
10 yr old red merle. Compact dog and all in proportion. Head width narrower than length, ear correct set with 50/50 break. Knowing eye and v attentive to his handler. Short neck, well fitted onto his shoulder, topline still firm and held solidly on the move. Good front extension, rear a little steep but still moved steady and consistent. Best Veteran Dog.
2nd Reeve’s Triforce Dawn Treader at Bramblern
7 yr old blue merle. Overall bigger dog than 1st. All male head of correct proportions, well shaped eye. Would prefer a little less white to the collar. Level topline and again, held on the move. Moved out well and I liked him. Just simply preferred more compact nature of 1st.
Puppy Bitch (2,0)
1st Allan’s Allmark Hakuna Matata
6mth black tri bitch. My notes say ‘I want her’! All in proportion on the stand. Loved her head, beautifully feminine and well marked. Good stop and head proportions coming nicely. Ear set on high with 50/50 break. Moderate length of neck, Topline slightly high at rear at present, perfectly understandable at this stage of development. Moved out smoothly without exaggeration. Pleased to award BPIS.
2nd Brown’s Triforce Morning Mist of Shepwood
11 mth blue merle. Of larger proportions than 1st. Sweet head and well proportioned. Ear correctly placed. Pleasing outlook but sadly both exhibit and handler were bothered by a wasp and I believe fair to say, would rather have been anywhere except inside the ring.
Junior Bitch (6,1)
1st Such’s Soloyal Secret Romance
15 mth red. Altogether a picture and not what I expected to find in this age category. This bitch is well made all through, yet still retaining the required femininity. Head of correct proportions with a good stop. Expressive, good shape eye and ear. Strong withers onto good shoulder. Currently stands a little wide in front, but as chest settles, this has time to improve. Steady and consistent mover she held her topline at all times and I just couldn’t help but keep looking back to her in subsequent classes and the challenge. Couldn’t deny her RBB. Has a bright future.
2nd Allan’s Allmark Eastern Promise
6mth black tri – litter sister to winner of PB with many of the same attributes. Sweet headpiece and has good bone and width all through without coarseness. On the move, she needs time to settle to ensure she doesn’t overstretch herself. RBPIS.
3rd Roberts’ Magical Love Elvikam (Imp Pol)
Novice Bitch (5,1)
1st Such’s Soloyal Secret Romance. Repeat.
2nd Roberts’ Magical Love Elvikam (Imp Pol)
12 mth red bitch well presented, that gave a nice overall picture. Head of good width, a little longer in muzzle than might have liked. Good head to body ratios, level topline with pleasing angulation, she moved out well and her handler should be complemented for her sympathetic handling.
3rd Fuller & Holligan’s Silvercea The Perfect Storm
Post Graduate Bitch (2,0)
1st Such’s Soloyal Secret Romance. Repeat.
2nd Bland’s Soullaria Back to Black at Hilandes
3yr old black tri. Well made compact feminine bitch. Liked her head proportions. Good stop. A touch round in the eye. Nice length of neck onto level topline. Fore and aft angulations were pleasing and in balance with one another. Exceptionally fluid on the move, my notes say ‘Tough call between 1 and 2.’ This class was decided on front movement and I felt that 1st was stronger than 2 today. Could easily change.
Limit Bitch (6,0)
This was my toughest class of the day. Mixed types and some lovely bitches in here. I had my work cut out.
1st Harrison’s Silvarcea Annie McPhee For Kishaya
3 ½ yr blue merle. Exceptionally pretty bitch and her expression was complimented by colour fleck to her eye. Ear set high, of moderate size, set ¼ to side and very expressive. Head of correct proportions to length and width with slight rounding. Longer cast than tall, her topline was level and her movement steady, measured and true. Good coat texture. Complementary fore and aft angulations and won the class on both her overall stature and movement.
2nd Myall’s Altussi Alchemists Secret
4 yr old blue merle. Head of correct length proportions, a little thicker set and depth muzzle than 1st. Sweet shape eye, wide set. Moderate neck length, body longer than tall. She took a while to settle on the move and insisted on pacing, but when she settled, she moved true and steady.
3rd Venton’s Little Red-Cap Du Chemin Des Korrigans (Imp)
Open Bitch (3,0)
1st Fuller’s Ch Silvarcea Too Hot To Tango
5yr old black tri. Substantial bitch and well boned, yet no mistaking her femininity. Loved her expression – one of humour and fun. Correct head proportions, good stop, correct almond shape eye and well placed. Ear set on high with 50/50 fold. Moderate length neck with desired arch and a level topline. Fore and aft angulations are moderate and in balance with each other. Nothing is overdone. On the move, she had a tendency to fly her tail a little, but it is of correct set. Moved out smoothly and her handler did well to temper her and ensure she demonstrated her straight and true movement as I could see she was simply ready to go bananas and have fun given half a chance. She made me smile. Best Bitch and RBIS. Congratulations.
2nd Downson’s Allmark Rockin Robyn at Ozzypool
5 yr old red. Another well made bitch who decided to come out in her summer clothes today, yet her good conformation could not be denied. Head good to go over, definite stop, ear well placed, eye well set, could be seen as a little round as extremely attentive to her handler and did not deviate from her. Level topline with pleasing angulations, she carried her tail lower and better than 1st. Very steady mover. Liked her.
3rd Morley’s Silvarcea American Smooth for Jochurra
Veteran Bitch (1,0)
1st Fuller & Timperon’s Triforce Last of The Wilds
7 ½ yr old black tri. Feminine head of correct proportions with slight dome. Sweet eye obliquely set with a twinkle. She obviously does not yet think herself a veteran. Arch to her moderate neck with a level topline. She had good extension on the move and remained true and steady. In excellent coat for the time of year. BVIS.
Obedience -